Friday, March 12, 2010

Wealth of Experience ........

.Wealth of Experience
You've been building value within you all your life. It isThe priceless value of experience, and every bit of it isStill with you. Today you have more than you've ever had. Think of all theGood and useful things you can do with that wealth ofExperience. From every victory, from every defeat, that experience growsWiser and more valuable. And now, in this moment, you canUtilize the value of your lifelong experience to create evenMore value. Your perspective is unique, and from that perspective youCan build a richness of living that is perfectly suited toYou. What's more, you can share that richness with thoseAround you to make it even more fulfilling. What a great opportunity you have. And you do indeed haveIt, wherever you are and whatever you've been through. Feel, appreciate and explore your living and growing wealthOf experience. You are worth far more than you can everImagine, so imagine the very best and bring it to life.

Orange Sculptures.......

To all Mother's and Daughter's.......